Buyer’s Guide

Everything you need to know about making Vista your new home.

A lot of planning goes into ensuring a new land development like Vista turns out the way you expected it to. That’s why we have Design Guidelines and Covenants in place to protect your investment.

We don’t want you to build your dream home at Vista Private Estate only to find your neighbours then build something completely out of character with every other home in your street. That’s why we have guidelines and covenants in place.

They protect your investment by ensuring homes are built to a high standard, and that they complement surrounding homes and enhance the quality of the community as a whole.

As the purchaser you (or your Builder) will need to email a copy of your site plan, floor plan, elevations and finishes schedule in pdf format to:

Seller’s Covenants Manager,
Care of Restrictive Covenant Management WA,
Attention: Judy Burnett
Email: RCMWA@bigpond.com.

Previously known as Detailed Area Plans (or DAPs), Local Development Plans (LDPs) are used in limited situations to guide the design and development of small and constrained lots or to achieve particular design outcomes.

Bushfire safety is a shared responsibility between individuals, the community, government and fire agencies. The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) has a Community Bushfire Education Program and a range of publications available on their website.

In Western Australia, requirements have been introduced into the planning and building process to ensure everyone is considering bushfire in the same way.

As part of the planning approval process for Vista Private Estate, Bushfire Management Plans and Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Assessments are prepared for each stage. These are provided below for your convenience and will guide you and your builder in relation to the building requirements for your home in order to comply with Australian Standard Construction of buildings in Bushfire prone areas.

When you purchased your land at Vista Private Estate, we included a fencing and landscaping package in the price. You can download a voucher for your complimentary Colorbond fencing and landscaping starter pack below.

It includes fencing, reticulation with an automatic controller, turf, mulched garden beds and a variety of water efficient plants.

You’ll find Stage Plans for all the current land releases at Vista Private Estate located below. Feel free to download any or all of them.

Stage 3B & 4A Plan 10.28 MB

Stage 4B Plan 3.00 MB

Stage 4C Plan 11.64 MB

Stage 4D Plan 1.63 MB

Stage 5A Plan 1.57 MB

Stage 5B Plan 1.60 MB

Stage 5C Plan 1.48 MB

Vista has installed pit and pipe infrastructure and entered into an agreement with NBN Co. for the provision of a high speed fibre optic network to be installed by or on behalf of NBN Co.

An In-Home Wiring Guide has been prepared by NBN Co to assist purchasers and their builders to comply with NBN Co’s requirements. You can find the In Home Wiring Guide and other relevant information on the NBN Co. website.

Submit your voucher

Claim your free Colourbond fencing and landscaping starter pack

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Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, png, gif, Max. file size: 2 MB, Max. files: 1.